ECORISC Conference 2025
Venue: Conference Aston
Location: Aston University, Aston St, Birmingham B4 7ET
Start Date/Time: 10:30 Wednesday 11th June 2025
Finish Date/Time: 15:00 Thursday 12th June 2025
The conference will be structured into 4 main sessions over 2 days. Session 1- 3 will include talks, a poster session and networking opportunities. The final session will be a panel session.
Session 1
Wednesday 11th June
Tracking Contaminants: Detection, Fate, Transport, and Uptake in the Environment
This session will look to address:
What are the latest advancements in novel sampling and analytical techniques to quantify chemical presence in water, soil, sediment, and the atmosphere?
How do models contribute to assessing the bioavailability and uptake of chemicals into biota?
How can we improve detection and monitoring of emerging contaminants?
How do different ecosystems and environmental conditions influence contaminant persistence and bioavailability?
Session 2
Wednesday 11th June
Scaling-up: From Molecular-Level Effects to Ecosystem-Wide Consequences
This session will look to address:
How can we better extrapolate individual-level effects to population and community impacts?
Which ecosystem services are most at risk from chemical exposure?
What are the challenges in linking ecotoxicology to ecosystem services?
How do we assess the long-term ecological consequences of chemical exposure?
What are the latest insights into the integrative effects of chemicals on individuals at molecular, cellular and tissue levels?
What role do modern technologies (-omics etc.) play in uncovering mechanistic pathways?
How do we move beyond traditional toxicological endpoints (ECx, ICx, LCx) to understand real-world impacts?
Are we any further from the use of animals in chemical testing?
Session 3
Thursday 12th June
Re-thinking Risk: Chemicals in Synergy and Real-World Assessment
This session will look to address:
How do chemical mixtures interact with other environmental stressors (e.g. increasing temperature, acidification, eutrophication etc.)?
Can landscape-scale risk assessment provide a more holistic understanding of ecological threats?
How do we bridge the gap between science, policy and public perception?
Session 4
Thursday 12th June
Concluding panel session
Details of this session are still under developement.
ECORISC CDT students, academics and partners
Registration is free to ECORISC students, academics and partners. To register please complete the ECORISC 2025 Conference Registration Form.
Non-ECORISC CDT students, academics and partners
The registration fee for the two day conference is £80 for non ECORISC members. To register please complete the ECORISC 2025 Conference Registration Form and also follow the link to the University of York Online Store to make payment.
For any conference related enquiries please contact
Department of Environment and Geography
University of York
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)1903 322999