Effects of chemical mixtures, including in combination with other environmental stressors

Projects with this theme are developing an understanding of the mechanistic basis and long-term effects of mixtures on ecosystems and new modelling frameworks for assessing the risks arising from the combined effects of chemicals and other stressors. 

Projects that align with this theme are;

Dylan J Ashbury - University of Sheffield

Project: The biodiversity-pollution-climate nexus: understanding the impacts of mixtures of chemicals on mixtures of freshwater species in a changing world 

Partner: Unilever

Biodiversity has been declining globally in recent decades, and these declines are pronounced in freshwater ecosystems. Despite covering less than 1% of the Earth’s surface, freshwater habitats support around 8% of described species, making them vital contributors to global biodiversity. A major driver of these declines is chemical pollution.

Image: Dylan J Ashbury

There are over 235,000 different chemicals in use globally and many of these enter freshwater ecosystems, where they often occur as complex mixtures. The effects of chemical pollutants on ecosystems are influenced by non-chemical stressors such as climate change. However, our understanding of how chemical mixtures impact freshwater ecosystems, and how these impacts are modulated by non-chemical stressors is limited. 

The overarching aim of this PhD is to investigate how chemical mixtures and climate change impact species interactions, and how these impacts influence freshwater biodiversity. I will combine experiments with statistical modelling and mathematical modelling of ecological communities to explore how the effects of chemical mixtures vary spatially across a range of representative English river catchments under current conditions and also in the future under climate change.

Contact: djasbury1@sheffield.ac.uk 

Image: Matt Cato

Matt Cato - Lancaster University

Project: Can antibiotics disrupt biogeochemical nitrogen cycling in the coastal ocean? 

Partner: Cefas

The growing use and accessibility of antibiotics for medicinal and agricultural purposes has meant larger quantities are making their way into coastal waters. Between 30-90% of antibiotic doses are excreted in humans and animals. 100% removal of antibiotics is impossible in conventional wastewater treatment plants, meaning the majority of antibiotics in wastewater is discharged into the environment. Furthermore, heavy use of antibiotics in the agricultural industry can lead to their transport into coastal zones via surface run-off. As a result, although labelled as micropollutants, the pseudo-persistent nature of antibiotics requires investigation on how they may be influencing biological processes in coastal environments.

Within marine nitrogen cycling, there are species of bacteria which play a key role in converting atmospheric nitrogen into bioavailable forms, crucial for uptake by organisms in coastal environments. As well as playing a prominent role in removing excess nutrients to prevent the overgrowth of algae. Antibiotics target bacteria by preventing their growth or killing them, potentially inhibiting the role that marine bacteria play in catalysing essential processes within coastal nitrogen cycling. Alongside my project partner, Cefas, I will be collecting samples from coastal environments to analyse how antibiotics impact nitrogen cycling in these areas.

Contact: m.cato@lancaster.ac.uk  

Safia El-Amiri - Univeristy of Sheffield

Project: Evaluating the health of treescapes in polluted urban environments 

Partner: Syngenta

Abiotic stressors such as pollution exposure to NO2, PM and O3, water stress, drought, alter the biochemistry and physiology of flora resulting in change from the cellular level to the individual level. A range of fauna, particularly invertebrates, rely on urban trees for vital resources. However, not much is known about how changes in tree health impact the invertebrate communities they host. 

This project makes use of the Urban Tree Observatory (UTO), a network of instrumented trees across the city of Sheffield made up of 4 species, English Oak, Sycamore, Silver birch and Common lime. We aim to characterize tree health across an urbanisation gradient by measuring health parameters such as specific leaf area (SLA), stable-isotope ratios and nutritional quality.  

We will link changes in tree health parameters, shaped by abiotic stress, to alterations in tree-insect assemblages. This will reveal if changes in tree resource quality, provided by floral and foliar tissue, put taxa at a competitive disadvantage. Metabolomic analysis will also be used to explore changes in plant secondary metabolite production to assess whether plant-insect signalling changes across the stressor gradient. This project explores the effects of chemicals mixtures, including in combination with other environmental stressors at a city-scale. 

Contact: selamiri1@sheffield.ac.uk 

Charlotte Robison-Smith - Cardiff Univeristy

Project: Hidden costs of environmental pollutants: functional impacts on host-pathogen interactions 

Partner: Cefas

Disease in the host results from an unfavourable trifecta of host-pathogen-environment interactions, where pollution often provokes disease occurrence. Understanding the effects of these interactions in aquatic ecosystems can help to inform disease management in aquaculture and avoid epidemics through improved fish welfare.

Working with Cefas, this project focusses on how prevalent synthetic polymer pollution - microplastics and water-soluble polymers (WSPs) - impact disease susceptibility of commercially important fish species. WSPs are emerging contaminants of aquatic ecosystems but are also major additives used within aquaculture husbandry products, therefore this research aims to determine whether chemical substitution can benefit animal welfare and industry productivity. 

Adopting a range of interdisciplinary techniques on field-collected and laboratory-maintained aquatic species, the combined effects of pollution and infection on physiology, behaviour and disease susceptibility are assessed by applying a combination of biological assays, microscopy, spectroscopy (FTIR, SEM, MALDI-TOF, GPC) and ‘omics to gain an understanding of the mechanisms behind these interactions. 

Contact: charlotte.robsmith@gmail.com / robison-smithca@cardiff.ac.uk  

Department of Environment and Geography
University of York
United Kingdom

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