Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
Equality, diversity, and inclusion is at the heart of the ECORISC CDT and we employ a range of approaches and mechanisms to tackle inequalities in the PGR recruitment, research, and training journey.
ECORISC Recruitment Process
Equality, diversity and inclusion was at the heart of the ECORISC recruitment process. A novel approach was follwed that aimed to reduce bias and focus on competences and personal attributes.
For example:
CDT opportunities were advertised widely and promoted to a diverse base of talented graduates using language and imagery that is inclusive and screened for unconscious bias using tools such as Textio.
We included equality statements in our adverts to encourage students who may otherwise not apply.
We ran virtual open days to introduce the CDT to potential applicants, explain the application process and answer any questions the students might have. A second workshop provides candidates who reach stage 2 in our application process with guidance on the submitting a written application, meeting with supervisors, presentations and interviews.
We developed a novel structured and three-stage interview and selection process that aims to evaluate applicants based on competencies and personal attributes as well as academic excellence and which minimises bias.
Our recruitment approach aimed to increase the focus on motivation and competences and reduce the importance of grades and the university attended. For instance, potential supervisors assess applicants based on anonymised applications and apply a scoring system that emphasises research potential rather than educational privilege.
ECORISC Student Experience
Throughout a students PhD journey ECORISC employs a range of approaches & mechanisms to support students with addition needs including;
Facilitating flexible working arrangements, including part-time working.
Working with students to facilitiate individual needs, particulary at our in person training events.
NERC EDI Flexible Funding Award 2022
During the summer of 2022 ECRISC ran Summer Scholarship Training Scheme with funding provided by NERC to improve access and participation of underpreseneted groups in environmental science postgraduate research .
Scholars attended an 8 week summer school where they developed skills in the methods and techniques used in environmental chemistry, ecotoxicology and environmental risk assessment. Training and mentorship on the PhD application process also featured within this scheme.
Following this event a number of video's were produced aimed at supporting applicants through the PhD recruitment process.
Watch this video for some top tips on writing PhD applications, including what skills and competencies you could include.
Watch this video to find out what to expect and what you can achieve from meeting with the supervisor or supervisory team.
Watch this video for tips on how to approach an interview and presentation.
Department of Environment and Geography
University of York
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)1903 322999